Sunday, June 22, 2008

Photo tips tricks and challenges

My best tip on this exercise is to keep an open mind, for the music topic my first thought was to take the guitar outside and lean it against a tree, thinking the the wood of the guitar and the tree would make for an interesting natural shot, I was shooting different angles trying to keep the ugly metal shed out of the shot, and I thought lets just try a couple with the shed, produced a much more interesting shot than the tree.
A piece of black velvet to use for a background is one of my favorite things, I use it mostly at weddings but it worked well for the guitar too.

My two interpretations of "tea" I went for very simple. The bottom set belonged to a dear friend, I liked the way the light caught the pearl glaze and the reflection on the table. The top one didn't work so well on the table, I ended up placing it on my foamcore board and propping it right next to the window the simple lines and strong shadow made a nice image.

These are for the feet challenge, feet waiting in the dugout, and feet watching the game.


Elizabeth said...

Great job on the challenge. I love the photo of the guitar against the shed.


Mel said...

Great photos!
My favorite is the feet in the dugout photo! My boys are in baseball and I can really relate to that one!

very nice!

Lee's said...

Love the guitar shots! Great photos for the challenges.

Sandie Dunn said...

Hi! Great work Janice! I see we have another "guitar girl"! I love what you did with the feet! You have absolutely got to scrap that! It's awesome! feet playing, feet watching. Too cute! I think my fav shot is the tea pot. I love the lighting and the contrast in that photo! Well done!

Tonya said...

I love the first one. I love the background, barn or something? Looks great.

Jane F. Smith said...

wow...good job!!! the feet from under the bench were awesome!!! and such wonderful photos on the all of did a fantastic job!!!!

Unknown said...

i like hte guitar with the black background, clean and simple!

Carol said...

I love the guitar photo, and the feet under the bench.